Winning Back Customers By Implementing Features They Asked For

The Hack - Win Back Customers By Implementing New Features

AARRR stage - Retention

Growth Problem - Winning Back Customers Who Cancel Their Subscription


It's the end of the road. You've done all that you can. You've pulled out all of the stops. You have no marketing ammo left to to fire. You tried and you failed. Yet another subscriber is cancelling their subscription because your product just didn't rock their world.

Before you get all lachrymose and start making a habit out of wallowing in self-pity, just ask yourself: "is there really the end of the road?" And then: "what would Tony Robbins do?" We'll tell you one thing - he definitely wouldn't give in to self-pity! Plus, it's like they say in sales, a 'no' brings you one step closer to 'yes.' Or something like that.

You can still salvage the situation and even 'hack' it to your advantage. How? By hopping into your Gmail and following the instructions that follow.

Just Hack It:

  • A cancellation is the perfect opportunity for you to find out exactly where your app isn't cutting the mustard in terms of features
  • You can automate the process with surveys and feedback bars. However, the data needs to be analyzed manually and regularly
  • Make a note of the feature(s) that the customer was missing. You can even create lists of feature requests and then start grouping your cancelled users under them
  • That way, you can add the best requests to your product roadmap
  • When the feature is developed,you can re-engage with those customers who cancelled and significantly increase the chances of them becoming users again
  • If you think this sounds simple then you're not wrong. But try it anyway and don't be surprised when your win-back rate skyrockets!

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