The Hack - Hack Together a Net Promoter Score
AARRR stage - Retention
Growth Problem - How to Measure User Satisfaction Without Going Broke
Ah, the Net Promoter Score (NPS) a.k.a. 'The Ultimate Question 2.0.' A real marketing research institution. As far as digital marketing goes, anyway. The system was developed over a decade ago and has been the metric du jour of corporate marketing departments ever since. Its sole purpose is to measure customer loyalty.
Yes, things are different in the growth hacking world that we inhabit. Instead of worrying about such nonsense as NPS, we're obsessing over DAU, WAU, MAU, LTV and other TLAs that make the brain hurt a little for the uninitiated. But, the NPS is not as old-school as you may think.
In fact, other tech startups have found it very useful . So, wipe that holier-than-thou snicker off your face because you may learn something new about your users. The real issue of implementing NPS for a startup is actually the cost of implementing it. For instance, charges $49 for a month for asking one question.
Surely, there must be a way to hack this? You betcha! Read on to find out how, our fellow haxor.
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