Make Sharing Easier With An Upvote Website Widget

The Hack - Place an Upvote Widget on Your Blog

AARRR stage - Referral

Growth Problem - Increasing The Stickiness of Your User Community


How do you get people to interact with your blog? Not to just read the occasional post or two. But to get all gooey inside when their inbox lights up with an email about your latest blog post. THAT kind of interaction.

Running a blog is hard. You slave over it day-after-day, week-after-week, month-after-month. At times, it consumes more of your mental space than thoughts of your life partner. OK, that one may or may not be true but we can probably all agree that it can be mentally taxing.

Why not get a reward for all of that effort and sweat-equity that you've invested into your beautiful WordPress baby?

Sure, you can install sharing buttons all over the show and implement a ton of other complex 'gamification' tricks to give your visitors more reason to stick around. However, there's a nice simple hack that can save you from going down the bazillion sharing buttons route and still considerably increase your blog's 'stickiness.'

Just Hack It:

  • What do people really, REALLY like doing on sites such as Buzzfeed or Reddit?
  • No, not looking at LOLcat photos….
  • No, not creating useless listicles on every conceivable topic…
  • Here it is: they like having a direct say in what content becomes popular and what content gets relegated to the bottom of the virtual junk heap
  • Users of such sites like to be HEARD. They do so by promoting the content that catches their fancy…
  • Even if the only thing they choose to have a say in is upvoting the thousands LOLcat meme they've seen that month
  • And that's our keyword: upvoting. It can do wonders for your blog's metrics
  • The Love It Pro WordPress plugin puts this upvoting power in your reader's hands without the hassle of having to implement a full-blown gamification framework
  • Now your readers can upvote the content that they like most and, in return, feel more invested in your blog's success
  • In return, you feel good because you know that someone, somewhere, kind-of cares. Kind-of…
  • Getting kudos has never been so easy!

Source or Inspiration: