Build An Experience, Not A Product 

  • You are committing to deliver a physical product, and although we aren't at "Proto- type" just yet (that's next), this is the time to sharpen your drafting pencils and contact with the outside world that will help you define the experience you need to deliver in order to succeed.
  • Develop visual concepts of software, hardware and people coming together in several use case scenarios. Make them pretty, 3D renders, these are like ecstasy for the soul and they keep you going to keep you inspired.
  • Define your product and experience architecture: Design is nice, but what happens under the hood is more important, and as why people would bother to use it and how it translates to everyday use.
  • Define your software strategy. Be mindful of the Internet of things, APIs. Will you need to consider interoperability with other devices? Probably yes, so how does that work? How does it look like?
  • Engaging a professional team to help you build the product? Do it after you've de-fined the co e of you invention, the desired experience, and brand.
  • Over-communicate with your team and vendors; insist on "return on experience."