Selling products on your blog is another good way to make more from blogging. It will usually be in the form of an online shop section and many blogs offer branded merchandise.
Advantages: If you blog about something in a niche that is very product orientated then you might want to consider converting the traffic coming into the blog into direct sales.
For example, if you blog about arts and crafts, you may want to consider stocking some of the materials that you talk about in your content within an e-store. There will be loads of opportunities to link in and mention products within your content that could result in extra sales.
Disadvantages: Setting this kind of thing up isn't always a quick thing to do. You will need to source products (if you're not going down the manufacturing route - which could be even more work), develop an online store within your blog, manage the finances, etc.
This really isn't a decision to just make on the fly because if you want to do it well, you'll need to invest into it.