This is another technique related to allowing third parties to advertise via banners or text on your website.
More commonly seen within niches such as gambling, pop-up advertising involves your users being exposed to advertisements on your blog via a pop-up window. This could be as soon as they enter the site, when they click a link, after a period of time, or when they go to leave the site.
Advantages: Like most forms of display advertising, this method is pretty straight-forward to set up via an advertising network. You can also charge a premium for placement within pop-up adverts due to the fact that they will have maximum exposure to your visitors.
Disadvantages: In general, web browsers don't respond very well to having pop-up banners displayed to them. They're often associated with spam websites and since their boom around a decade ago, uptake on them has dwindled.
Unless you're within a niche that understands and is receptive to this kind of advertising, I personally wouldn't recommend it.
You also have to consider the fact that most web browsers or internet security software come with 'pop-up blockers' that will prevent the advertisements from being displayed, reducing your potential revenue.