Map Out Your Zones

Take a good, honest look at your kitchen. The kitchen is where you prepare meals for yourself and your family; and where you physically nurture your partner and children.

Is your kitchen a place where you can easily prepare and enjoy healthy meals?

If a neighbor popped in unexpectedly, would you be able to sit down for a cup of coffee without moving a mound of stuff?

If your kids bring friends home are there healthy snacks and drinks in easy reach for them to serve themselves?

If you need to make a quick meal for your family do you have the supplies on hand to do that?

Do you have things (appliances, food, decoration) in your kitchen that you hold onto because you hope to be the kind of person who uses them someday?

Do you know where everything is in your kitchen?

Your kitchen is as much a representation of you as the master bedroom and, just like that room, if the kitchen is out of order it tends to throw off the balance of every other room in the house.

See your kitchen through fresh eyes and reclaim it as the place where you feed and nurture your family. The typical kitchen zones are:

1. Preparation

2. Cooking

3. Eating

4. Storage

5. Cleanup