Fridge And Freezer

Step 1: Declutter

Pull out everything and put it on your counter.

Step 2: Discard

Check expiration dates and immediately trash anything that has expired or won't be used in the near future. Take advantage of this opportunity to make healthier decisions for you and your family by getting rid of anything that isn't good for you.

Step 3: Clean

Before you put back what you are keeping, wipe down all interior surfaces -- shelves, drawers, trays, bins and rubber gaskets around the doors.

Step 4: Organize/Reload

Re-organize the contents by type as you put them back -- dairy, meats, cheeses, produce, condiments and beverages. Let's start with your condiments. Try to get them all to fit in the shelves on the door of your fridge. Be brutal; only keep things that you use regularly. Group like with like, so that ketchup and mayo are together, savory stuff is together and sweet stuff is together. In general make healthier items the most accessible. Organizing your food will save you time and money, since you'll be able to quickly and easily see what items you already have in stock to avoid overpurchasing.