The Kitchen Cleanse Upkeep

Clean As You Go

More so than in any other room in the house, it's important to get into the habit in your kitchen of fully completing a task. If you are stirring a pot and splash food on the counter, wipe it up. If you are clearing the table put the dishes in the dishwasher immediately. At the end of the meal, wash the pots and pans and rinse out the sink. This simple routine of cleaning as you go and completing a task fully will help to maintain order and cleanliness in your kitchen.

Keep Flat Surfaces Clear

A clear countertop makes any kitchen look more organized. Once the flat surfaces start to disappear under clutter, you lose your motivation to keep the area organized and you open the area to attracting more dust and dirt, further compounding the clutter problem. Consider flat surfaces your preparation area -- not your storage area!

Check and clean out your fridge every week.

Vegetables and fruit spoil, leftovers get pushed to the back and start to smell. Keep your fridge clean so that you can see every item you are storing. That way you won't buy something you already have and won't miss using something because you forgot it's there.