​Increase Your Visibility Using A “Hub And Spoke” Strategy

Beyond REALTOR.ca and DDF®, you can build a "Hub and Spoke" strategy.

The purpose of the Hub and Spoke strategy is to increase the amount of leads generated by your listing. Your listing acts as the hub, and the following channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, E-mails, Text Messages, and advertisements, act as the spokes used to communicate your listing.

Your spokes should be pulling the buyers to your listing. The more effective your spokes (channels), the more stable and popular your hub will be.

For example, let's review a few popular social media 'Spokes' that you can use:


Facebook reaches a wide audience. Consider launching a business Facebook Page if you have not already done so.

Need help? We recommend you refer to this guide from Facebook.


Check out the following REALTOR® specific guides to Facebook as well.


Twitter facilitates real time conversations and allows you to answer client questions. Twitter allows you to use hashtags, and thus directly engage with other Twitter users who are potential buyers.

Need help setting up your Twitter account? We recommend this guide from Twitter.


Also check out this REALTOR® specific guide to Twitter: Twitter for Real Estate


Also consider Pinterest, which is a picture driven social media outlet. You can post pictures of your new listings and potential buyers can view these pictures and save them on their personal Pinterest boards. The pictures will be distributed to a wide audience, enhancing the amount of views of your property.

Need help setting up a Pinterest account? Learn more about Pinterest here at the NAR Field Guide

Tip No. 1

Start small. There are many other popular social media sites (Snapshat, Instagram, Wechat, etc), but you don't need to use them all. To start, pick one that you are comfortable with, or do some research and find out what social media site is most popular with your target audience. You will be more successful by being active on one single social media site, as oppose to spreading yourself thin across many and appearing like you are "out of business".

Tip No. 2

Keep your content fresh. There are many options when it comes to social media channels. Be careful not to get carried away, make sure that if you launch a presence on one or more sites that you are able to keep the content fresh and relevant. Talk about the neighbourhood(s) where you are active, highlight local businesses, etc.