exactly is an MLS® System?
MLS® Systems are cooperative selling systems operated by real estate Boards and Associations in Canada. They are accessible to Realtor Members of those Boards and Associations who have agreed to represent your interests and share remuneration from the transaction with a cooperating Realtor Member. MLS® Systems contain detailed information and numerous search tools, all designed to match people with the properties that fit their exact requirements.
So, how is REALTOR.ca
REALTOR.ca is Canada's most popular and trusted real estate platform displaying residential and commercial listings from Realtors across the country. It is important to note that REALTOR.ca is not an MLS® System. It is an advertising website that The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) created to give Realtors across Canada greater listing exposure to a national and international audience.
The listing content advertised on REALTOR.ca comes from the various MLS® Systems operated by Real Estate Boards and Associations across Canada. REALTOR.ca is paid for by REALTORS® and is owned and operated in their interest by CREA.
Since REALTOR.ca aggregates all MLS®
system listings from across the country, it receives more than 20
million visits every month to its website and mobile apps. In fact,
over the last 12 months, REALTOR.ca has had close to the same
number of visitors as the next five largest real estate sites
Use REALTOR.ca to browse available listings, and use your board/association's MLS® System to see the listings that have sold.