On REALTOR.ca users have the option to search for amenities using check boxes and a search field.
When entering your listing on your board/association's MLS® System, you will have a choice of over 150 fields and searchable amenities. When entering your listing into your board/association's MLS® System, you'll want to make sure that at minimum you enter in the following fields:
Consult your board/association for information and/or courses on how to enter and maintain your listing in your MLS® System.
Fill in the blanks: As much as possible, don't leave any MLS® fields blank, fill in as much information as you can. Check with your local board / association to understand which fields can be uploaded to REALTOR.ca.
Don't forget the keywords: As mentioned in Milestone #2, look-up the top search keywords
in the listing's city. If any of these keywords are applicable to
your listing, make sure to highlight them to increase its chances
of being found by potential buyers.