Throughout this guide, there are 40 "Actions" that you should take (or ideally have already taken) on your restaurant's website. Our aim was to make these the most important 40 aspects of your restaurant's website that are tangible and measurable. That being said, there is a balance between being important and being actionable. Creating a blog can be incredibly profitable, but it also can take up to 20 hours every week.
As a result, we tried to stick to the most important fundamentals for successful restaurant websites. Think of 40 items as barriers to entry. You need to be doing all of them just to have an effective website that can be found online and doesn't turn away customers.
Knock out all 40 of these suckers and your website will be winning you customers before you know it.
On the other hand, more advanced tactics (including those from How to Turn Website Visitors into Restaurant Customers) can turn your restaurant's website into your most valuable asset for winning new business.