In mogul competitions it often looks as thought the skier is jumping from mogul to mogul. Actually the goal is to avoid jumping and to keep the skis on the snow as much as possible by absorbing the mogul. The technique is the one you have practiced in steps one and two. Now simply adjust your technique to the mogul run.
When you move from step two to step three, try making turn with shorter and shorter intervals between them. Avoid traversing between each turn and instead execute a turn every time you come across a new mogul. After a while, look for a real mogul track. The goal is to ski a rhythmical line in the moguls, preferably along the fall line of the slope. Although at times it is hard to find such a perfect line - not to mention keeping it to yourself! A good line through the moguls requires that many good skiers have skied the moguls before.
When practicing on a real mogul track, focus on keeping your speed under control. To begin with, forget about technique and concentrate on getting used to the trail. The easiest way to do this is by completing your short turns so that you do not accelerate and lose control. When accustomed to the moguls, you should try skiing using the correct mogul technique. Bend your knees when you hit the mogul and stretch them again when you turn on the opposite side of the mogul.
The following rules should be observed:
It is very important that you stretch your legs between each mogul. If not, you will end up leaning too far backwards and likely lose control. Actively stretch your legs so that the tips of the skis point downhill between two moguls. The tips of the skis must not point upwards at any time.
Always keep your arms away from your body and in front of you. This will help you maintain your balance. Actively use the ski poles as you would when executing an ordinary short turn on groomed terrain. Working hard with the ski poles is an excellent aid for moguls. If you are planning to skin a lot in the moguls, consider using shorter ski poles.
After a while, try putting your skis together. It is an advantage in the moguls to keep your skis close together.