Now you are ready to ski down the hill, working with the same movements and technique as above. Start by positioning yourself in the middle of the trail standing in a good basic stance. Remember: it is important that you find an easy trail; otherwise, you will quickly gain too much speed.
Point your skis downhill and set off down the trail. When you have picked up enough speed, press down the edges of your skis, just as you did in the first exercise. You must push your knees to the side so as to make the skis turn out of the fall line. Once you have tried this a few times, ski down the slope while continuously making small changes in direction.
When trying this exercise, it is important not to turn too much. The skis must run downwards all the time. We have not reached the actual turn yet. At the same time, it is important that your try to get the skis to make arcs by only moving your knees. In other words, keep your upper body still.