Make It Unique

A key role for the value proposition is to set you apart from the competition. Most people check out 4-5 different options / service providers before they decide. You want your offering to stand out in this important research phase.

So how do you make your offer unique? Often it's hard to spot anything unique about your offering. It requires deep self-reflection and discussion.

If you can't find anything, you better create something. Of course the unique part needs to be something customers actually care about. No point being unique for the sake of being unique ("the ball bearings inside our bicycles are blue").

All supermarkets are pretty much the same, right? Well, no. Here's an example from Austin, TX of how a supermarket can be unique.

Here are two articles that can help you with finding a "theme" or an angle for your value proposition:

The key thing to remember is that you don't need to be unique in the whole world, just in the customer's mind. The closing of a sale takes place in a customer's mind, not out in the marketplace among the competition.