Be Specific

Way too many sites were overly vague about what they do and what they offer. Sometimes only an image was given the job of communicating what they do.

Always be as clear as possible. People don't have the patience to play mind games with you, and vagueness doesn't make you sound smarter.

Some actual examples

Our Point of Sale Systems Integrate Hardware, Software and Internet Social Media Marketing Into One Giant Revenue Super System.

Huh? Sounds like a bunch of over-hyped gibberish to me. Will I bother to invest another 5 minutes to figure it out? Nope.

Improve your dating skills

What's a 'dating skill'? If I improve this skill, what will I be able to do? Get more dates? Convert more dates into phase 2? Be a charming date? All of those things might be desirable, but I don't think anyone tells their friend "man, I need to improve my dating skills!". No - they're specific! And you should be too.

A new way to share knowledge

Yelling at the top of your lungs at the city square? Gossiping in the sauna via Twitter? What is it? There are too many possibilities, and to figure it out, you need to think about it. Thinking is hard work, and most people don't want to do it.

You CAN use a vague headline sometimes, provided there's a detailed explanation in the following paragraph. But I recommend you phrase that vague thing to match the conversation in your prospects' head ("I'm a loser. I need to get a date" -> "Get Tons of Dates Even If You Feel Like a Loser")

Remember this: specific is attractive, specific is clear, specific is convincing. Don't be vague, be specific.

Here's an example. Can you understand what they offer?

Specific headline. Specific call to action with a specific explanation of what they get when they sign up. Specific benefits listed. Specific image to show the product in action.

Do this:

  • Read the texts on your site (especially the home page, product pages), and make the texts more specific. Find something vague, and make it more clear.
  • Find a few strangers, have them look at your site for a short period of time and ask them to explain what you do.
  • Your prospects are more interested in your headlines if they match the conversation in their head. Talk to your prospects and find out how they explain their #1 problem or challenge.