Compare Yourself With The Competition

Do you have competition? Of course you do! And your customers know how to use Google. Before buying anything, most people will check out 4-5 different options. Hence compare yourself openly to your main competitors' offers and state how you are better or different.

People are lazy. When comparing options, they usually only look at the most obvious things like price and key features. For example when choosing a web host they look at the server space and monthly fee and that's it. You - as an expert in your field - know that many other things should be considered and perhaps your advantages are less noticeable at first.

When it's you doing the comparison, you can point out the things you feel are your biggest advantages over the alternatives. If your product is more expensive than others, then this is your chance to explain why. If some of the specs are lower than the competition's, point out that maybe your support is way better or you provide personal consulting or its more green or whatever.