Engage First

When was the last time somebody changed your point of view about something? People rarely do, especially when someone is trying to make them change it.

People believe messages that already represent their world view, that validate their beliefs.

Since you can't target everyone anyway, it's definitely a good idea to target people by their beliefs, by their world view. If you are like your customers, they're much more likely to do business with you. If you don't know what their world view is, you better start talking to them to find out.

If your target group has various belief systems, the best way to get through to them is to start with engagement.

Get them to agree with you first, find common ground before proceeding.

Let's say you want to reform the tax code. People have very different ideas about how it should work. But pretty much everybody can still agree that the tax system should be fair and support economic growth. Once we have established that, we can continue to a constructive discussion.