Transformational Spaces

Examples of spaces emerging on Guides that have united individuals and are enabling innovation @ scale

Residential Contractor Training

Insulate & Air Seal is a shared space in response to the GreenOn program in Ontario that offered rebates to home owners who upgraded insulation in their homes. The challenge is that the work needed to be done by a certified contractor.

Multiple organizations worked together to create free online training modules on that upgraded the installation skills of over 20,000 contractors all over the province.

While GreenON was cancelled long ago, the space persists for many organizations to continue exploring and supporting emerging best practices.

Reducing Fire-fighter Mortality

Firefighting has become more complex as building materials and products in houses evolve. And while there have been many advances in fire sciences, there is a large gulf between scientists and academics and firefighters in the field.

By finding a common purpose to unite them - reducing fire-fighter mortality rates - both sides were able to collaborate to develop guides that were backed by science, but practical in the field.

There are now over 400 fire departments around the world using and evolving these guides to fight fires more effectively, and safely.

Creating An Open Workspace

The Centre Block rehabilitation project is the largest public renovation project in Canada's history. From the outset, the government wanted to apply an integrated team approach to this ambitious project.

But each of the primary organizations used different, closed systems to communicate internally, and needed a common space where everyone could collaborate openly.

They use Guides to enable over 500 members to capture and evolve "better ways to work together" through a productive, connected community.