Laptops are far more efficient than desktop com- puters, especially ENERGY STAR qualified models.
Selecting energy-efficient office equipment and turning off machines when they are not in use can result in significant energy savings.
Using an ENERGY STAR- labeled computer can save 30%-65% energy than computers without this designation, depending on usage.
Spending a large portion of time in low-power mode not only saves energy but helps equipment run cooler and last longer.
Putting your laptop AC adapter on a power strip that can be turned off (or will turn off automatically) can maximize savings; the transformer in the AC adapter draws power continuously, even when the laptop is not plugged into the adapter.
Using the power management settings on computers and monitors can cause significant savings.
It is a common misconception that screen savers reduce a monitor's energy use. Use automatic switching to sleep mode or simply turn it off.
Another misconception, carried over from the days of older mainframe computers, is that equipment lasts longer if it is never turned off.