Hashtag -
Any word beginning with the # sign. People use hashtags to organize
conversations around a specific topic. Clicking on a hashtag takes
you to search results for that term.
Mention -
A public Tweet directed to another user that includes their
@username. Mentions are clickable and link back to the mentioned
individual's profile.
- Reply
- A
public response to a Tweet via the reply button. Replies show up in
your home timeline and the timeline of the person to whom you are
responding to. You must follow both parties to see the full
- Retweet
- You can pass along
someone's Tweet by retweeting it. Just hit the Retweet button to
send the original message to all of your followers.
- Links
- Twitter's
link-shortening feature allows you to paste a link of any length
into a Tweet and it will automatically be shortened.
Listen first
It's tempting to start tweeting right away. But before you
begin, follow and observe brands and businesses similar to yours to
see what they're doing well. You can also search for
industry keywords on Twitter for inspiration or to see what people
are already saying about you.
Mention and be mentioned
To mention others in your Tweets, include their @usernames in
your message. Mention your followers in positive Tweets that
contain relevant, personalized content to establish goodwill on
Twitter. They may do the same for you in the future, giving you
added exposure.
Get fancy
- Congrats-you're up on the basics. But there's a lot more to
Twitter. Include images and videos in your Tweets. This is a
no-brainer. Data shows that these elements can double your
engagement (Buddy Media, 6/26/12, "Strategies for Effective
Tweeting: A Statistical Review").
- Integrate your Twitter account across existing digital
properties and physical channels. Anywhere your customers interact
with your brand is an opportunity to encourage them to follow you
on Twitter.
- Take your Tweets to the next level with the right mix of voice,
style and content.