Types of journaling in many ways, but this was a way that resonated with me:
- Freewriting: As @casper-jorna mentioned, also known as the "artist way". Just sit down and start writing in a free-flow manner.
- Unsent letters: Writing a letter to someone to express (process) an emotion, but then don't send it. Aka - get something off your chest (there, I said it!).
- Expressive writing pays no attention to propriety: it simply expresses what is on your mind and in your heart.
- Narrative expressive writing: A way to process something you had an emotional reaction to. Aka - x happened, here's how it felt, and then processing why you may have felt that way
- Narrative journaling, at its core, is reflection; the recalling of details in moments - of any size or distance - and exploring how certain particulars might be significant.
- Gratitude journaling: reflecting on what you appreciate
"expressive writing" (EW) task, instructions to wear their heart on their sleeve and write freely about their "strongest and deepest emotions.
"narrative expressive writing", in which you create a "coherent and organized narrative" of an event with a storyline arc with a beginning, middle, and end
- provide a scaffolding for people who are going through this tough time. This structure can help people gain an understanding of their experience that allows them to move forward, rather than simply spinning and re-experiencing the same negative emotions over and over." https://www.psychologytoday.co...
- Narrative journaling, at its core, is reflection; the recalling of details in moments - of any size or distance - and exploring how certain particulars might be significant.
Self-distancing Facilitates the Association Between Heart Rate Variability, and Wise Reasoning https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...