DATA COLLECTED - the date the evaluation was conducted. Modifications to the house after this date could affect its rating.
FILE NUMBER - the unique identifier that should be referred to when contacting the service organization for additional services.
EVALUATED BY - the name of the energy advisor who rated the home.
ENERGUIDE RATING SCALE - shows the EnerGuide rating of a house and a "typical new house" with similar characteristics. The better the house performs, the closer the rating is to zero. The scale is in gigajoules per year.
A GIGAJOULE (GJ) - is a unit of energy. It can be used as a measure of any type of energy that is consumed or produced in your home. Specifically, one GJ is the equivalent of 278 kWh of electricity, 27 m3 of natural gas, 26 L of oil, 39 L of propane, or 947,817 BTUs. One GJ is roughly equal to the energy from two standard barbeque propane tanks or 30 L of gas in a car's gas tank.
RATED ANNUAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION - the total amount of energy the house consumes in a year regardless of energy sources.
ENERGY SOURCES - the sources and amounts of conventional energy (o.e. gas, oil, electricity) that the house consumes annually. The total amount equals the rated annual energy consumption for the house.
ON-SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY CONTRIBUTIONS - the estimated annual amount of energy generated on site by renewable energy technology. This consists of solar photovoltaic and wind technology. The generated renewable energy is subtracted from the rated annual energy consumption to produce the EnerGuide rating.
BREAKDOWN OF RATED ANNUAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION - the pie-chart provides a breakdown of the major energy uses within the house and provides an initial overview of where you can lower home energy costs.
RATED ENERGY INTENSITY - is calculated by dividing the rated annual energy consumption by your home's heated floor area. It allows you to compare the annual energy use of homes of different sizes on a "per square metre" basis.
RATED GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS - the estimated annual amount of greenhouse gases emitted as a result of the energy used in the home.
SIGNIFICANT ENERGY USES NOT INCLUDED IN THE RATING - when an asterisk appears next to the EnerGuide rating, this identifies a house which uses significant energy for uncommon items such as a pool or hot tub. This energy use is not included in the rating. However, information on these items can be found in the House Details section of your Homeowner Information Sheet.
QUALITY ASSURED BY - the name of the service organization that quality assured the house file.