1. Subcontracting
1.1) Can I register if our company subcontracts out some or all our retrofit work?
Your company must directly employ the lead installer(s) responsible for the work of the HPCN sector(s) you are registering for.
If your company subcontracts out all your installation work, only your subcontractors, not your company, need to apply for the HPCN.
If your company subcontracts out some, but not all its HPCN- relevant work, make sure your subcontractors are also registered on their own in the HPCN. Your company's registration does not cover work completed by your subcontractors.
1.2) How can I give my customers access to rebates if I use a subcontractor?
If you use a subcontractor for rebate-relevant installations (i.e., HVAC, insulation, or windows/doors), make sure they are a member of the HPCN. It is a good idea to include the name of the subcontractor on the quote to the customer, so they can confirm for themselves that the subcontractor is a member of the HPCN.
You must clearly identify the name of the subcontractor on your customers' invoices. The homeowner will need to look up the subcontractor's name in the rebate application.
1.3) Why can't we register with the HPCN or be listed in the public database if we subcontract out all of our work?
The HPCN was developed to support capacity building for retrofit professionals and improve quality workmanship in the industry. To ensure that businesses have ultimate responsibility for the quality of installation work, the HPCN only permits companies that directly employee installers to participate. This provides the customer with confidence that the registered company has paramount responsibility to them and their project; this also helps protect your company from liability if you use an HPCN member as a subcontractor.
2. Can I own/co-own/be a shareholder in more than one HPCN company?
Yes, but you cannot be the company admin or trained installer for more than one HPCN company (see the question below).
Note that this applies to member companies and installers that are in good standing with the HPCN. The HPSC reserves the right to enact disciplinary action on other HPCN companies owned or co-owned by participants that are no longer in good standing with the HPCN.
3. Can I be the company admin or installer of more than one HPCN company?
No, each company registered with the HPCN must have a unique company admin and unique installers. This is to ensure that HPCN members are committed to employing and training the appropriate person(s) and amount of person(s) to manage their membership and adhere to membership requirements.
It would be an unfair competitive advantage for multiple businesses to benefit from the same trained installer and, in many cases, it is simply not realistic to be able to deliver the quality of work and customer service required by the HPCN.
4. How do I apply/register?
This web-document walks you through the application and registration process. We recommend clicking on "Overview of the Registration Process" in the left-hand panel and reading each page. Currently a PRC (Program Registered Contractor) with BC Hydro and Fortis BC? The PRC is transitioning to the Home Performance Contractor Network. Click here for instructions on how to transfer your membership.
5. What if my company offers multiple home performance services? For example, a renovation contractor that offers windows and doors, and HVAC services.
Any eligible company may apply for as many sectors as they are qualified for within the HPCN. In this example, if the renovation contractor installs window and door retrofits, they are welcome to apply to the network as a fenestration contractor. If they also install HVAC retrofits, they will have the option to enroll in that sector as well and the same goes for insulation.
A reminder that contractors must have at least 1 lead installer complete the sector-specific qualification criteria to be eligible for each sector in the HPCN.
6. Can an employee/lead installer register without a company?
An installer cannot register in the HPCN without an associated contracting company. Independent contractors that are registered as a business (i.e. self-employed) and complete the installation work themselves are eligible to register; they would be required to complete both the business requirements and qualifications.
7. What happens if an employee/lead installer registers under one Home Performance Contractor Network (HPCN) company and then leaves that company?
Qualified installers will retain their qualifications if they leave a HPCN contracting company. If the person leaves a contractor and does not immediately transfer to a new company, they will remain inactive in the network and their information will be archived. At any point, if the person joins a new company that is also registered with the HPCN, they will be eligible to resume their status in the HPCN; in this case, they may be required to complete updated qualifications depending on the length of time that passes or the designation of the new company.
8. Is there a membership period? Will I/my employees/lead installers need to renew qualifications?
Currently, there is no set membership period. Contractors will be subject to ongoing management that will require all business accreditation and qualifications to remain up-to-date, both of which may incur a fee that the contractor is responsible for. As the program grows and evolves, it is also possible that additional qualifications will be introduced in the future and existing qualifications may be removed. The HPSC will always provide reasonable warning of these changes to provide contractors and their employees amble time to prepare.
9. How long does it take to complete the registration?
This depends on a number of factors:
Some contractors complete their registration in a week. Others take several weeks or several months. We strongly encourage contractors to reach the contents of this Guide to understand the requirements and how your company may need to prepare to complete them.
10. Are new contractors/entry-level companies eligible?
The HPCN and HPSC are not designed to serve as the first point of contact for new-comers to the residential retrofit industry. If you, or your installers, are looking to start work in a residential retrofit sector and you have no previous qualifications for the sector, we advise you to consult appropriate safety/licensing authorities, industry associations, and training providers. Some examples include:
Sector | Resources for Starting in the Sector |
HVAC | |
Insulation | |
Windows/Doors | |
Renovations | |
Energy Advising |
The HPCN is designed to support quality workmanship, capacity building, and market growth for existing residential retrofit contractors. We are also committed to helping contractors grow their businesses and expand into whole-home retrofits. If you are an established contractor looking to branch into additional residential retrofit services, we advise you to begin with the appropriate authorities mentioned above, and reach out to us to discuss your HPCN registration options.
11. Why does my company need $5 million in general liability insurance to join the HPCN?
The requirement to provide proof of $5 million in general liability insurance was decided by the HVAC Sector Council, and the HPSC and its program partners. Being a member of a network like the HPCN comes with an inherent liability risk for the contractor themselves, as well as the HPSC and its program partners. The decision to choose $5 million, rather than a lower amount, is based on market best practices to adequately protect all parties involved.
12. I am a sole proprietor, why does my company need WorkSafeBC coverage to join the HPCN?
WorkSafeBC provides consumers support in case a worker is injured on site. While sole proprietors are not required by law to have WorkSafeBC coverage, it is in the best interest of their customers that they do so, which is why having a WorkSafeBC BC clearance letter that lists your company as active and in good standing is a requirement for HPCN membership.
13. Can electricians join the HPCN?
The HPCN is currently only open for the following sectors: HVAC, insulation, and windows and doors. If your company directly employees installers for these services, you may be eligible to join the HPCN. If you do not offer these services and only offer electrical services, you are not currently eligible to join the HPCN.
Electricians do not need to be registered with the HPCN to access rebates.
There are electrical service upgrade rebates available through the CleanBC Energy Savings Program (previously called the Income Qualified Program). If you are interested in providing your customers access to those rebates, contact the Energy Savings Program to learn more.