Step 4: Setting Up The Environment

In this Step, you will:

  • Learn what you need to set up various test environments

You already selected the sort of environment you're going to be using - lab, remote, in-home, etc. Now, it's time for you to set up the environment so that you're all ready to go when you start your first session.

The first time you do this, you may want to make sure you have everything in place a few days ahead of time, just in case something ends up being harder than you think.

In no particular order, here are the things you'll need to have set up regardless of location:

  • Print out the discussion guide.
  • Load prototype or product onto computer, tablet, or phone or have physical product in room.

And some things that may or may not be applicable, depending on how you're running the study:

  • Print out NDAs for participants.
  • Print out Video Consent Forms.
  • Set up screen capture software (something like Silverback or Morae) or video camera (something like iPhone on a tripod or camera).
  • Set up screensharing meeting if remote and send to participant (something like GoToMeeting).
  • Make sure that somebody is available to greet participants if they are coming to you.
  • Set up room with chairs for participant, moderator, and observers.

Why Does This Matter?

Having everything in place before the sessions start reduces your stress level and helps the sessions run much more smoothly.