PageCloud's Page Width Guidelines are a crucial part of your site as it helps determine where your content exists relative to different screen sizes, including tablets. It can be used as a great guideline to help structure your content within your site.
By default, when you start with a blank canvas, you will notice the following page:
This box represents where we would recommend your content be
placed in order to ensure it is displayed optimally on your website
for view on various different screen sizes. By default, your page
width will begin at 946px however you do have the ability to change
that if you'd like within the 'Page' tab as shown below.
We would encourage you to try and avoid setting your page width
higher than 1280px as this could make it trickier
to see on smaller screen sizes, leading to horizontal scroll bars
to view your page.
As this page element is intended to serve as your guide to assist with placement, we would recommend keeping it in place while designing your site. It can be removed from view at any point though by unchecking the 'Apply Visible Page Styles' option in the 'Page' tab.
As you start adding in content, these guides may become a bit trickier to see, so you can always hop into X-RAY mode by hitting Command+Option+X on your Mac, or CTRL+ALT+X on your Windows computer.
Depending on the site you'd like to design, you may want to make use of the space outside of your page element and we have a few options for this.
We also offer a couple responsive elements that will adjust to your viewer's screen size. These would include:
We make use of a few of these techniques on our own site at while keeping the content within the 946px page element as seen below.