What Is Guides.co? An Overview

Guides is a dynamic publishing and knowledge sharing platform that enables organizations to collect, create, and share dynamic content with multiple stakeholders in a personalized way.

Gathering information multiple sources

Over 20,000 Public Guides: With so much complex information being created everyday, Guides helps you discover and collect high quality content from trusted sources on topics that matter to your organization. And because guides are dynamic and live, content is refreshed regularly so you always have the latest information.

Subscribe to channels from partners and trusted sources: You can also subscribe to channels from trusted sources where new content is added and curated for you and your organization.

Curating and sharing content for multiple audiences & contexts

On the Guides platform you can create multiple channels for different types of audiences (examples: onboarding new hires, employees, management, partners, public) and then publish content through many different sources (examples: in your training program, on your website, on your intranet, through custom portals).

Each channel and guide can be reused in multiple channels for different types of audiences and uses. You receive detailed statistics on who, where, and how it's being used. But wherever it's shared, content is always updated at the source so your content is always up to date.