Elisa Achterberg (Circle Economy & Sustainable Finance Lab)
Jeroen Hinfelaar (Nuovalente)
Nancy Bocken (TU Delft)
Antoine Heideveld (Het Groene Brein) Johnny Kerkhof (Het Groene Brein)
Aglaia Fischer (Circle Economy & Sustainable Finance Lab)
Bart Ahsmann (TU Delft, CLICKNL)
We want to thank Prof Ruud Balkenende (TU Delft, the Netherlands), Arnold Tukker (University of Leiden, the Netherlands) and the participants of the workshop on Circular Business Models, organised by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) at "Science for Circular Economy", Prof Jan Jonker (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Dr Florian Lüdeke-Freund, for their valuable feedback on the Value Hill framework.
Graphics & layout
Nicolas Raspail (Circle Economy)
For more information please contact: Elisa Achterberg (Circle Economy & Sustainable Finance Lab)
Publication date: September 2016