4 Steps Towards a Circular Business Strategy with the Value Hill

The Value Hill framework gives us insight in how to keep on building our business model for the circular economy: extracting maximal value of our modular long lasting product and insight in collaborations we need to engage in to succeed
Miquel Ballester, Operator Relations Fairphone

Step 1: Position your current business model on the Value Hill

The first step is to position your current business model and product design on the Value Hill: What categories does it belong? What activities are closest to your current business activities?

Step 2: Position your value chain partners on the Value Hill

The second step is to position your current value chain partners on the Value Hill: What relationships already exist?

Step 3: Identify gaps and opportunities in your circular value network

What relationships, collaborations or activities are needed to increase circularity in your value network?

Step 4: Formulate your future circular business strategy

What business model and partners are relevant for your future strategy? What is the impact of that? Look at the Appendix A for a list of possible business models, to be inspired. An illustration of Fairphone transitioning to a more circular business strategy through the four steps is given below.