Join the Movement

Hey Volunteers ????

We are so happy you're here and we are grateful you are wanting to join the Efficiency Canada team.

Whether you're a social media guru, a natural relationship builder, a proud policy wonk or a strategic political advocate, we need your help to move the energy efficiency movement forward. We have several volunteer roles, depending on your skills and interests.

If you want to join the community you can sign up here.

There are a few ways you can lend a hand and hone your skills and interest in the energy efficiency space:
R: Be the one to amplify the energy efficiency stories on social media. There are always campaigns, articles, and policy wins we hope to ripple out to the masses. Tag the sector, encourage conversations...comment, like, share (you know the drill).

2. THE ADVOCATE: Help us make impactful policy changes in Canada. Contact your MPs, search the net for important news articles, sign onto letters, move up the engagement ladder.

3. THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: So, you love to connect? Join Efficiency Canada events, build relationships with others in the sector. You can be on the planning committee or simply show up and participate.