The Cheerleader ????

Be the one to amplify the energy efficiency stories on social media. There are always campaigns, articles, and policy wins we hope to ripple out to the masses. Tag the sector, encourage conversations...comment, like, share (you know the drill).

Here is what's going on Cheerleaders. Feel free to like, share, comment!

DiscoverEE Hub - Finding new partners

We are looking for partners to join the Career Hub. You can find posts here!

Efficiency for All report

No Canadian household should have to choose between eating, heating, and other essentials. Yet this is an everyday reality for the more than 2.8 million Canadian households that spend a disproportionate amount on their home energy costs. There is an urgent need for the Federal Government to take a leadership position in expanding the scale and scope of low-income energy efficiency funding. Share our latest report with your networks.