A step-by-step animation tutorial from a motion designer

We've been publishing all our illustrations, branding, and app and web designs on Dribbble. This is a place where we meet lots of interesting people and professionals in the design industry. Tom found us here, and this story started like this.

The idea of animating Shakuro illustrations

"Earlier this month I came across Shakuro's beautiful credit card illustrations on Dribbble's Instagram feed. They immediately struck me as the perfect fodder for some playful SVG animation. I'm fairly active on Codepen.io, and when I want to create something but don't have any specific direction, I often look for inspiration on Dribbble.
A good design for creative coding is like a coloring book page; most of the decisions have been made, but there's still space for the animator/developer to fill in some of their own ideas."

The process of web animation

For anyone interested in web animation, here are a few notes about the process. To start, Tom had no design files beyond the static image that we'd posted on Dribbble. So he used Adobe Illustrator to trace each card and export everything as SVG.

"A strong understanding of SVG is such a valuable skill for this type of work. I learned through years of building HTML5 banner ads, frequently referencing Mozilla's developer docs and a lot of community support. If you're looking for a good learning resource, I highly recommend tutorials and classes by Cassie Evans. In addition to SVG, she also uses a lot of GSAP.js, which stands for Green Sock Animation Platform. If you're doing any advanced/custom animation on the web, GSAP has been the industry standard for years. It's a mostly free JavaScript library (there are some premium plugins for stuff like splitting text or morphing), and if you don't know about it, you need to check it out."

Elements and tags of web animation

Getting back to the specific steps Tom took to bring these credit cards to life, he brought only the important SVG shape/path data exported from Illustrator into his HTML. Illustrator generates extraneous code, but Tom only used the necessary parts, so his code stayed light and legible. Tom gave a class/id name to any DOM element that would need to move. He used <mask> and <clipPath> tags to create the different color intersections, and the <use> tag to limit repetition as much as possible. For the text portions, he decided that the Google web-font Montserrat was suitable enough.
That's how Tom describes the path from an illustration found on Dribbble to an energizing and fresh animation:


All the vector art was drawn in Illustrator, and then I output as SVG, pasting only the necessary data into the HTML. Much of the final SVG structure I coded by hand.

Once all the separate SVG elements were in my HTML, I got to the really fun part - animating in JavaScript! Each card animation has a GSAP timeline consisting of various tweens. Timelines let you sequence tweens, which manage all the different presentation properties. Some tweens play once, as the text mask reveals. Some loop infinitely. The key to a seamless loop is to end on something that looks exactly like where it started. So for waves, you need your shape to repeat at the start and end. Or for steps, each part tweens to where the next step began. You just need those parts that don't have a previous/next step, to happen out of sight (outside the card mask).

In order to get each movement to look natural or feel smooth/snappy/interesting, you need to control the easing. GSAP.js includes a lot of easing options by default, plus there's an option for custom easing so that you can define anything imaginable. In several places, the loop doesn't just play infinitely forward, but actually yo-yos backward and forwards. In these cases, it's important to consider what else will look like when playing in reverse, and overwrite with a different yoyoEase, if necessary.


The CSS styling is intentionally limited, as the appearance/styling/behavior of various elements all gets defined in JavaScript.


Each card has a main timeline. Timelines are an essential part of the GreenSock API. They allow you to sequence a series of tweens. Tweens define object properties over time. Within each tween, any visual property/attribute can be manipulated, along with many settings (like duration, ease, repeat, stagger, etc.), that control the tween's playback.

GSAP.js is a mature and robust library that has a very legible, logical syntax. You can learn the basics rather quickly… and spend a lifetime mastering it. Some of the animation techniques used for these cards include:

  • mask reveal
  • motion along a path (requires the MotionPathPlugin)
  • animating the stroke-dashoffset attribute
  • seamless looping of shapes
  • yoyo loops
  • group staggers

Here's a code excerpt that tweens dashoffset (dotted path):

With this input, it animates the stroke-dashoffset attribute of all paths with a class name of "coil" over one second and repeats infinitely. Because there are multiple paths with the class name of "coil," we can use a function that will iterate over each instance within the group, and return different starting values. In this case, the sum of all the spaces and dashes in the paths' stroke-dasharray adds up to 28, so we'll get a seamless loop by offsetting the dasharray by that amount. By varying the positive/negative value, we're able to alternate the direction of the movement.
By combining separate tweens of the same target element, we can create a more detailed and interesting movement. A star shine, for example, may rotate evenly (ease: "none") while it's a scale. These two property tweens are defined separately but executed simultaneously.

GSAP.js is a ton of fun once you get the hang of it. You can achieve After Effects-level animations entirely through code and often with relative ease. Plus, the result is rendered in a browser, so your work can respond to the mouse position, scroll position, touch events, time of day, mic/camera input, device orientation, or any other interactive inputs you like!