Why Guides?

We're all busy and we're doing hard things. Guides makes it all easier.

The challenges we face at work and life are increasingly complex and urgent. Instinctively, we know that technology can help us be more efficient. But, adopting the wrong technology or workflow can get in the way of productivity. Guides is an elegant, easy-to-use live document platform that streamlines your informational workflows. Guides makes you and those around you more productive, easily.

Guides takes the anxiety out of "which tool do I open" when faced with an important documentation task. Guides is both a "place" like Dropbox, where information can be organized, and also a "tool" like Google docs that makes live document creation and sharing easy.

When you need to jot something down or quickly share an idea, you use a sticky note or Twitter. But when you need to share valuable knowledge, either publicly or to a team, Guides is the best tool available.