How It Works

Guides is a social information platform with four distinguishing features:

Personalization: It's Your App

Every Guides account comes with a personal network, for collecting, drafting, creating and sharing what matters to you. No matter how you came to Guides, everyone has that very personal space that is all for them.

Living Documents

Guides are always up to date, because they save instantly across all channels and teams. SInces guides live on the cloud, so they can be edited from anywhere easily.

A Publish / Subscribe Model

You can subscribe to any Guide that is made public by its author, collecting guides in the channels and teams that are relevant to that guide. Public guides can also have subscribers who collect your guides into their teams and channels. No matter how many times a guide has been collected and shared, it is always instantly updateable, so every reader always has the most current version.


Guides bring teams, people and networks together. Every time a guide is collected into a new channel or network, it becomes a part of a whole new conversation. Stakeholders across different networks can collaborate within channels, publicly or privately. Channel administrators have full control over the invitation permissions of other channel members.