The Guides Impact

We are actively working with local, national, and international partners to grow and strengthen our network and increase our impact globally. Here are some of the ways we are accomplishing this:

Making Knowledge Accessible to Everyone: From productivity to mental health, and new technology to sustainability, a globally connected knowledge network that is open and accessible for all individuals and organizations enables us to better navigate a complex and changing world together.

From Knowledge To Practice: Increasing the speed from discovery to application by enabling education and government institutions to convert knowledge into "on the job" and just in time training.

Enabling More Doing Good @ Scale: Enable social organizations to connect and augment reach, scale impact, and increase access to under-serviced communities.

Improving Crisis & Emergencies: Improve preparedness through shared best practices & assets; improve speed, accuracy of communication during emergencies and epidemics; & providing one-stop "portal" for workers & victims.