Why We Needed To Leave Daylite And Move To Another System

The main reasons why we needed to leave Daylite and move to another system.

1. Infrastructure Stable/Ubiquitous Access - We wanted to make sure that we had maximum accessibility to our critical business information.
2. Wanted to do away with Syncing - We wanted to have one piece of data in one place where everyone could access it.
3. Wanted the ability to link up emails while out of office - We wanted to be productive everywhere.
4. Minimize data entry - We didn't want to have to cut and paste information. We wanted it entered once, and preferably by the customer.
5. Collaborate with clients/internal staff and outside contractors - W wanted to bring people in so that we could get work done faster.
6. We wanted the system to work the way that we do - We didn't want someone else dictating to us how we work. We wanted to be free to design our own workflows.