Overview Of Innovation Funding In Western Canada

Canada is one of the most generous countries in funding research, innovation, and experimentation, providing approximately $7 billion annually to over 30,000 companies.

Did you know...

  • The business enterprise sector was expected to finance $14.4B in 2013 for R&D funding, followed by the federal government sector at $6B and the higher education sector at $5.3B.
  • According to the State of the Nation 2012 Report , the federal government was the second largest funder of R&D in Canada in 2011, at $6B accounting for 0.35 percent of GDP.
  • The amount of R&D performed by the business sector has risen considerably since the early 1990s, coming in at $15.5 billion in 2012 (see here). However, it has yet to climb back to its pre-recession peak of $16.8 billion, reached in 2007.
  • At 0.24 percent of GDP (or $3.9B), the Government of Canada ranked sixth highest among OECD countries in 2010 for its combined direct and indirect support for business R&D.