Overview of the
SR&ED Program:
is the single largest federal tax incentive program that supports
business research and development.
- The SR&ED program provided over $3.4 billion in tax credit
assistance to over 22,000 claimants in 2013.
- Eligible projects include those with technological
uncertainties, seeking technological advancement and using
scientific/technical content.
Who's Eligible?
Corporations, both SME and large. Credit rates depend on whether
an organization is:
- CCPC = Canadian Controlled Private Corporation
- Non-CCPC = Foreign and/or Publicly Owned Corporation
Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC)
can claim:
- Salaries ~64%
- Sub-Contractors ~32%
- Materials ~42%
These are refundable credits for Canadian SME's.
Non-CCPC's (Large CCPC or Public/Foreign-owned
companies) can claim:
- Salaries ~36%
- Sub-Contractors ~18%
- Materials ~24%
These are non-refundable tax credits.
How to Apply?
- The deadline to claim is 18 months after the end of the fiscal
- Contact Boast
Capital for a complimentary SR&ED Assessment to discuss
eligibility and potential size of your claim.
Want More Info?