9.10.12. |
Prevention of Fire Spread at Exterior Walls and between Storeys | |
Termination of Floors or Mezzanines
- Except as provided in Sentence (2) and in Articles and, the portions of a floor area or mezzanine that do not terminate at an exterior wall, a firewall or a vertical shaft, shall terminate at a vertical fire separation having a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the floor assembly that terminates at the separation.
- A mezzanine need not terminate at a vertical fire separation where the mezzanine is not required to be considered as a storey in Articles and
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Location of Skylights
- Where a wall in a building is exposed to a fire hazard from an adjoining roof of a separate unsprinklered fire compartment in the same building, the roof shall contain no skylights within a horizontal distance of 5 m of the windows in the exposed wall.
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Exterior Walls Meeting at an Angle
- Except as provided in Article, where exterior walls of a building meet at an external angle of 135° or less, the horizontal distance from an unprotected opening in one exterior wall to an unprotected opening in the other exterior wall shall be not less than 1.2 m, where these openings are
- in different fire compartments, or
- in different dwelling units, ancillary spaces or common spaces in a house with a secondary suite.
- Except as provided in Sentence (3), the exterior wall of each fire compartment referred to in Sentence (1) within the 1.2 m distance shall have a fire-resistance rating not less than that required for the interior vertical fire separation between the compartment and the remainder of the building.
- Where interior walls between dwelling units, ancillary spaces or common spaces in a house with a secondary suite are not constructed as fire separations, the exterior wall of each dwelling unit, ancillary space or common space referred to in Sentence (1) within the 1.2 m distance shall be finished on the interior with not less than 12.7 mm thick gypsum board.
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Protection of Soffits
- This Article applies to the portion of any soffit enclosing a projection that is
- less than 2.5 m vertically above a window or door, and
- less than 1.2 m from either side of the window or door. (See Note A-
- Except as provided in Sentences (4) and (5), the construction described in Sentence (1) shall have no unprotected openings and shall be protected in accordance with Sentence (3), where the soffit encloses
- a common attic or roof space that spans more than 2 suites of residential occupancy and projects beyond the exterior wall of the building,
- a floor space where an upper storey projects beyond the exterior wall of a lower storey and
- a fire separation is required at the floor between the two, or
- the floor separates dwelling units from each other or a dwelling unit from an ancillary space or a common space in a house with a secondary suite, or
- a floor space where an upper storey projects beyond the exterior wall of a lower storey, and the projection is continuous across
- ia vertical fire separation separating two suites, or
- a wall separating dwelling units from each other or a dwelling unit from an ancillary space or a common space in a house with a secondary suite.
- Protection required by Sentence (2) shall be provided by
- noncombustible material having a minimum thickness of 0.38 mm and a melting point not below 650°C,
- not less than 12.7 mm thick gypsum soffit board or gypsum board installed according to CSA A82.31-M, "Gypsum Board Application,"
- not less than 11 mm thick plywood,
- not less than 12.5 mm thick OSB or waferboard, or
- not less than 11 mm thick lumber. (See Note A-
- In the case of a soffit described in Sentence (1) that is at the edge of an attic or roof space and completely separated from the remainder of that attic or roof space by fire blocks, the requirements in Sentence (2) do not apply.
- Where all suites spanned by a common attic or roof space or situated above or below the projecting floor are sprinklered, the requirements of Sentence (2) do not apply, provided that all rooms, including closets and bathrooms, having openings in the wall beneath the soffit are sprinklered, notwithstanding any exceptions in the sprinkler standards referenced in Article