Due to the pressures of urbanization and climate change, businesses and governments have begun to adopt circular economy principles as a route to resource efficiency in the face of rising material prices - such as China, the European Commission, and Australia, among others.36
The City of Toronto is another leader as it is working towards an aspirational goal of zero waste and a circular economy. To drive innovation and the growth of a circular economy in Toronto, the City has established a Unit for Research, Innovation & a Circular Economy. The unit is involved in research and planning as well as incorporating circular economy principles into new programs, policies, procurement and processes. The overarching goal of the unit is to make Toronto the first municipality in Ontario with a circular economy. The City is a member of the National Zero Waste Council Circular Economy Working Group as well as the global Circular Economy 100 Network, created by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
As part of this paper's review of the Smart Cities Challenge, each responsive application was evaluated against the ReSOLVE Framework mentioned above. Considering that only five of 102 SCC applications discussed circular economy principles underscores that more work can be done by the public sector to prioritize and encourage circular thinking. All levels of government have a key role to play in building thriving, livable, resilient communities that are regenerative by design.
Circular Economy proposals for the Smart Cities Challenge
The City of Port Alberni, British Columbia
Population: 17,678
Focused on becoming a true zero-waste community and fully utilizing the natural resources in its coastal area.
The District of Squamish, British Columbia
Population: 19,512
Focused on a zero-waste action plan that engages and empowers the community to sustainably grow while reducing overall waste, and turning waste into assets.
The City of Guelph and Wellington County, Ontario
Population: 222,726
Focused on becoming Canada's first tech-enabled Circular Food Economy, increasing access to affordable, nutritious food.
The Municipality of Hope Town , Quebec
Population: 344
Focused on creating a community exchange platform to encourage the reuse of consumer goods and encourage sustainable consumption behaviour.
The City of Coquitlam, British Columbia
Population: 140,028
Aimed to become a living lab and develop waste management solutions that address environmental and sustainability issues such as waste reduction and diversion, GHG reduction and use of renewable energies.