BC Hydro, FortisBC and the Province Rebate Refresher and Update - Heat Pumps (LM & VI) (June '23)

Lower Mainland & Vancouver Island

This webinar was hosted by the HPSC on June 6, 2023, on behalf of the HPCN program partners: FortisBC, BC Hydro, and CleanBC.

This webinar is similar to the North & Central/Southeast webinar but excludes some information specific to offers for northern residents. You are encouraged to watch the recording that best suits your service area. You may find it helpful to review both Q&A transcripts.


Press the play button above to start the recording. You can also drag the progress bar to skip ahead to the sections outlines below.

0:00 - 2:16 - Introduction

2:17 - 3:54 - The HPSC and Rebate Programs

3:55 - 4:35 - Rebate Refresher and Update - Introduction

4:36 - 5:36 - Rebate Refresher and Update - Year in Review

5:37 - 23:31 - Understand the Rebates Available and Program Requirements

23:32 - 24:36 - Membership in the HPCN

24:37 - 25:13 - Where Customers Can Find Your Approved Listing

25:14 - 27:18 - Install to Best Practices Standard

27:19 - 30:46 - Important Info for Invoices and Contact Information

30:47 - 50:28 - Q&A


Click here to download the presentation slides.

Contact Information Mentioned in the Webinar

Program Contractor Support Customer Support
CleanBC Income Qualified Program Web: betterhomesbc.ca/rebates/income-qualified

Email: IQPcontractorsupport@clearesult.com
Web: betterhomesbc.ca/rebates/income-qualified/

Email: IncomeQualified@betterhomesbc.ca

Phone: 1-833-856-0333
CleanBC Better Homes Web: betterhomesbc.ca

Email: betterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca

Web: betterhomesbc.ca

Email: ask@betterhomesbc.ca

Phone: 1-844-881-9790 (Energy Coaching Hotline, available Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm)
BC Hydro

Web: bchydro.com/homerebates

Email: alliance@bchydro.com

Web: betterhomesbc.ca

Email: ask@betterhomesbc.ca

Phone: 1-844-881-9790 (Energy Coaching Hotline, available Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm)


Web: fortisbc.com/homerebates

Email: qualityinstalls@fortisbc.com

Web: betterhomesbc.ca

Email: ask@betterhomesbc.ca

Phone: 1-844-881-9790 (Energy Coaching Hotline, available Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm)

  • If you are not receiving emails about rebate program updates, please reach out to Alliance@bchydro.com to provide your email address to the distribution lists.


Links Mentioned in the Webinar

Slide 6: List of rebate programs requiring HPCN membership

Slide 16: Qualified Heat Pump Product List

Slide 17: BC Hydro electricity consumption calculator

Slide 30: CleanBC Income Qualified Program

Slide 33: About the Home Performance Contractor Network

Slide 35: Contractor Directory

Slide 37: Best Practices Guide

Slide 42: Customer Application Form

Slide 44: Contractor Support Portal

Q&A Transcript



Are there any ongoing discussions with the City of Vancouver regarding additional funding for their now fully subscribed top up rebate? Or have they completely withdrawn funding for the foreseeable future?

The City of Vancouver has fully used the funding they committed to this program. At this point, there is no update or expected additional funding. The program partners will send out communication to HPCN members in the future if more information becomes available.

Do you require pics for proof of decommissioned equipment?

Related follow-up: so just to clarify... no decommissioning and natural gas burning equipment has to be physically removed from the residence?

The rebate programs do not allow decommissioning of equipment except for cases where the boiler is managing both domestic hot water and space heating. In that case, you need to request an exception before your customer applies by contacting betterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca and requesting the decommissioning exception. If you do not request the exception first, your customer's rebate application will be denied.

Follow-up question: Yes, correct.

How come the IQP does not allow dual fuel systems in the Lower Mainland region? Just had a customer who really needed the help with the larger rebate and due to space constraints in his mechanical room he could not fit the air handler to go full electric.

Related: Why won't you allow a low-income client to access the low-income subsidy with a dual fuel system but instead expect them to upgrade to 200 amps only to satisfy their back up heat needs?

Related: Why is Vancouver Island exempt from the climate zone 5 dual fuel CleanBC IQP rebate? What makes Vancouver Island zone 5 different from the rest of the zone 5 areas?

Related: Why is Vancouver island not allowed the dual fuel subsidy |? how was that determined? will there be any change to this in future if the client purchased renewable natural gas ?

The CleanBC Income Qualified Program only allows dual fuel heat pumps to be installed in homes located in BC Building Code climate zone 5 (excluding Vancouver Island), 6, 7, 8 or 9 to be eligible for a dual fuel heat pump rebate. Homes located in climate zone 4 or on Vancouver Island do not require a back up furnace, as most of the heat pumps on our qualified product list can manage the heat load required for those regions. Additionally, the heat pump industry is well established on Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland and all-electric, high efficiency heat pumps are widely available.

Follow-up question: Climate zones can be found at https://www.betterhomesbc.ca/faqs/climate-zone/.

Is the program looking to allow heat pump add-ons to pre-existing furnace/air handler systems like the Federal Program did, or will it continue to require full system replacements?

The CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program requires that heat pumps installed for eligible dual fuel ducted heat pump rebates must match the AHRI certificate reference number and must match the model numbers on the AHRI certificate, including the outdoor unit, indoor unit (coil) and furnace.

Can we get the Rebate list in Excel so we can lookup combinations easier with sorting?

The Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program does not provide the qualified product list as a downloadable excel document. The qualified product list can be searched at https://app.bchydro.com/Hero/HeatPumpLookup. You may be able to access an excel copy by emailing betterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca.

How can contractors or customers contact the federal Greener Homes program? They are difficult to get a hold of.

The contact information for the federal Greener Homes Initiative is

Email: canadagreenerhomesgrant-subventionmaisonsvertes@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Phone: 1-833-674-8282 (Monday to Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern time))

If your customer is struggling to get a hold of the program, we recommend they contact the Energy Advisor that completed their energy assessment.

Is a permit required for decommissioning fossil fuel equipment when replacing with heat pumps?

The Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program requires that you meet all local permit requirements when removing or installing equipment. Please contact your local jurisdiction to confirm which permits you require. However, a permit is not required with your rebate application. The program will accept a local government permit or inspection report, which must include date of inspection and address where inspection took place and/or the invoice from the removal company or heat pump contractor (if they removed the furnace), which must include description of work completed and date of removal.

[CleanBC Income Qualified Program]

How much does my invoice need to exceed the allowable rebates by - 10%?

Rebates cannot exceed the cost on the invoice and the paid cost of the upgrade. Rebates may be combined with funding received from the Canada Greener Homes Grant, but combined rebates cannot exceed the cost on the invoice or paid cost of the upgrade. Rebates cannot be combined with funding received from the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program or FortisBC's Income Qualified Space and Water Heating Rebate Program for the same upgrade. Upgrade costs covered by warranty are not eligible for rebates. Financing or leasing agreement must result in full ownership (a copy of the agreement may be requested).

How often are the qualifying equipment lists updated?

Currently, they are updated twice a year but we're moving toward a monthly download straight from the AHRI list. Contractors and manufacturers will be notified when this changes.

If a customer applied for the incorrect Clean BC rebate and wants to cancel their application and submit a new application for the proper rebate, how would they go about that?

We will need to know what the change is to determine if this is even an available option. As an example, if the homeowner has already completed their heat pump upgrade and applied for a rebate through the Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program, but now they believe they are eligible for a CleanBC Income Qualified Rebate. They will not be eligible for the IQP Program, as they did not receive their IQP eligibility code in advance of the heat pump installation and did not notify the contractor of their eligibility code prior to the upgrade. If this is not the case, please email betterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca to explain the situation.

Is there a rebate for replacing your old heat pump with a new more efficient heat pump? Where would I go to find this information?

Related: Why aren't customers with existing old inefficient heat pumps eligible for heat pump rebates. I have customers switching to fossil fuel systems to get an affordable system.

Related: I spoke with an energy coach and understood that if the existing heat pump failed or not working, then the replacement would qualify.

No, unfortunately.

Follow-up question: At this time, rebates are only available for new heat pumps and not replacements. The Program Partners continue to assess the program and market needs and will let customers know if heat pump replacement rebates are offered in the future.

Follow-up question: If the home is heated by oil, natural gas or propane as the primary heating system (and they have a heat pump for AC or supplemental heating), then they are eligible to fuel-switch to a heat pump and receive a rebate if all other program requirements are met.

Is the electrical service upgrade contingent upon the heat pump qualifying for a rebate? For example, existing 100-amp service, a 1 head unit is being installed into a 2500 square foot home and they require service upgrade for the mini split and an electric car charger.

To access the electrical service upgrade rebate the homeowner must be approved for a fuel switch (from natural gas, propane or oil) heat pump rebate.

Details and additional requirements on the offer can be found at https://www.betterhomesbc.ca/rebates/electric-service-upgrade-rebate/.

We have several senior customers who don't have access or the know-how to start the IQP application on line. What is the easiest way they can apply for the program?

The CleanBC Income Qualified Program provides an option for homeowners to call and get program support and mail in their program information. Please have the homeowner call 1-833-856-0333 for support. Or they could ask a friend or family member to help them complete the application online if possible.

Are there any future considerations that, when in tandem with renewable natural gas, they could get this dual fuel upgrade?

Homes heated with a natural gas furnace can access a dual fuel ducted heat pump rebate if all program requirements are met. Once installed the homeowner can choose to switch to renewable natural gas by signing up at https://www.fortisbc.com/services/sustainable-energy-options/renewable-natural-gas/sign-up-for-renewable-natural-gas.

We have many customers who live in a Condo Strata but pay their own hydro. Could you explain why they wouldn't be eligible for these grants. They are older couples who are trying to find ways to beat the heat in the summer and keep themselves warm in the winter.

At this time, heat pump rebates for customer living in condos/apartments are not available. The Program Partners continue to assess the program and market needs and will let customers know if rebates open up for heat pumps in condos/apartments.

Until July 28th, BC Hydro is offering rebates on select qualifying portable AC units. For more information visit bchydro.com/deals.

**** IQP NOT ELIGIBLE FOR DUAL FUEL in region IV **** lower mainland / Vancouver Island

The CleanBC Income Qualified Program only allows dual fuel heat pumps to be installed in homes located in BC Building Code climate zone 5 (excluding Vancouver Island), 6, 7, 8 or 9 to be eligible for a dual fuel heat pump rebate. Homes located in climate zone 4 or on Vancouver Island do not require a back up furnace, as most of the heat pumps on our qualified product list can manage the heat load required for those regions. Additionally, the heat pump industry is well established on Vancouver Island and in the Lower Mainland and all-electric, high efficiency heat pumps are widely available.

Do you have a Vancouver Island specific visuals? The information I have seen is visually over stimulating for some people.

We require more information to be able to answer your question. Please follow up and email your question to beterhomesbc@gov.bc.ca.

Any chance of making the lower mainland region 4?

Climate zones can be found at https://www.betterhomesbc.ca/faqs/climate-zone/. You will see that the lower mainland is considered climate zone 4.

Has the electricity/wood to heat pump in the IQP program always had a rebate of up to $5,000, or was that recently changed from $9,500?

The CleanBC Income Qualified Program has always provided higher incentives for homes that are fuel switching from natural gas, oil or propane, which can receive up to $9,500. Home switching from electric or wood heat can receive up to $5,000.

If a homeowner is upgrading his heat pump to a variable 20 SEER heat pump, do they qualify for the upgrade rebate? Or is this just from baseboard or furnace to heat pump.

Electric conversion heat pump rebates through the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program are only available for homes that heat with electric resistance (baseboards, electric furnace, etc). The replacement of an existing heat pump is not eligible for a rebate.

Why are you asking for a heat loss calculation for dual fuel systems?

A heat load calculation is required to ensure the heat pump is sized appropriately for the home's heating load, which helps optimize energy efficiency and GHG emission reductions, and to encourage high-quality installations. As the HVAC industry transitions from furnaces and boilers (which have been historically oversized in BC) to heat pumps, we want to ensure heat pumps are sized properly, to ensure efficiency, proper operation and longevity.

What about adding a heat pump to a hydronic heating system with electric boiler or natural gas?

Boilers are not eligible for dual fuel heat pump rebates in the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program. The home must be heated with a natural gas or propane furnace before the upgrade to be considered eligible for a dual fuel ducted heat pump rebate. All program requirements can be found at https://www.betterhomesbc.ca/rebates/dual-fuel-ducted-heat-pump-rebate/.

We had a client said her application was incomplete because our invoice did not specify the oil tank was removed. Our company does not remove the oil tanks. Is the client responsible to provide proof of oil tank removal with their application?

The program will accept a local government permit or inspection report, which must include date of inspection and address where inspection took place and/or the invoice from the removal company or heat pump contractor (if they removed the furnace), which must include description of work completed and date of removal.

We have been told by our supplier that the list of equipment is getting updated to include new equipment that qualifies, is there a date for the update?

Currently, the qualifying product list is updated twice per year, but we're moving toward a monthly download straight from the AHRI list. Contractors and manufacturers will be notified when this changes.

The Greener Homes Grant does qualify homes upgrading their old heat pump for a new one, does it not?

The CleanBc Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program is a separate program with different rebate values, processes and requirements than the Greener Homes Grant Program. For information on the federal Greener Homes Grant Program please visit https://natural-resources.canada.ca/energy-efficiency/homes/canada-greener-homes-initiative/canada-greener-homes-grant/canada-greener-homes-grant/check-your-eligibility-for-the-canada-greener-homes-grant/24050

Question about territory service area . for example , I am a contractor of Vancouver with city inter-municipal business licence . Now I want to expand my business to Surrey , should I just get a surrey business licence and upload to HPSC online , will I active the service territory right away or need to take some time to get HPSC approve ? thank you .

Please email hpcn@homeperformance.ca once you have your new business license. We will need to do a quick manual check and update on our end to make sure the search tool is updated.

How do you decide what order eligible contractors are listed on your website. It seems like its not alphabetical or by region, but we joined early and are now several pages down??

HPCN members are listed in random order. Each individual search randomizes the order that contractors show up and should show the results in a different order.

What is the stance on door knocking to gain customers, is it permissible if we are not leading with rebates?

When door knocking, you are welcome to say that your company is a member of the HPCN, which is a requirement for customers to access select rebates. Please ensure that you are clearly identifying yourself as an independent company and that you are not employed by or otherwise representing the HPCN or rebate program partners.