There are different types of massage out there, each achieving different results. You can see what Natural Body offers on our services page. Most of us are familiar with the image of a traditional massage table and oils. However, massage doesn’t fit into just one category. There are dozens upon dozens of variations, sometimes even within one subset of massage.These different types of massages and methods are called modalities. Modalities have been developed to target specific problems or areas of concerns to get tailored results. We won’t list all the modalities here because there are so many, but below you’ll find 11 popular There are many simple massage techniques that men can learn to do on themselves or on their partners. You could create a video tutorial that demonstrates how to give a relaxing back massage, or a foot massage. There are many talented male massage therapists out there who cater to male clients. You could interview a male massage therapist about his work and why he enjoys working with men. This could be a fictional story about a man who is stressed out from work and finds relief through a massage, or a non-fiction story about a real-life man who has used massage to improve his health and well-being. You could use humor, infographics, and testimonials from men to spread the word about the benefits of massage.