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Relationship of the NBC to Standards Development and Conformity Assessment
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes and Standing Committees
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division A: Part 1: Compliance
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division A: Part 2: Objectives
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division A: Part 3: Functional Statements
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 1: General
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 3: Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 4: Structural Design
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 5: Environmental Separation
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 6: Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 7: Plumbing Services
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 8: Safety Measures at Construction and Demolition Sites
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division C: Part 1: General
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division C: Part 2: Administrative Provisions
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).
Division B: Part 9: Housing and Small Buildings
A free digital version of the National Building Code of Canada 2015 (NBC).