What is the circular economy?
What is the circular economy?
A guide to understanding the basic concept of a circular economy
14 Members
We need our economy to evolve from linear to circular, and we need it fast. The purpose of this hub is to build a community that wants to share what should be common knowledge and so accelerate our collective learning!
Circular economy supersedes our linear take-make-dispose economy by designing out waste, keeping materials in use and regenerating systems.
What is the circular economy?
A guide to understanding the basic concept of a circular economy
What are the benefits of a circular economy?
An overview of the benefits of a circular economy based on the Knowledge Maps developed by Het Groene Brein.
Master Circular Business With the Value Hill
A circular business strategy tool that provides companies with an understanding of how to position their business in a circular co
The 7 key principles of the Circular Economy
Seven key elements emerged that defined the majority of terms linked to the circular economy.
Organic Gardening
Anything but conventional. Gardening guaranteed to turn your thumbs green (unless you're growing beets).
Revolutionising Energy Recovery From Kitchens
The first in the world to use the hot exhaust air produced by a kitchen to minimise operation costs of restaurants.
How To Build A Bee-Friendly Garden
Simple guide on how to create a bee-friendly garden at home.
Smart Bricks Fight Fuel Poverty And Climate Change
Airex was determined to find a way of balancing energy efficiency & indoor air quality. They developed a brick that exac
Rockin' the E-Waste Problem of the Electronics Industry
Jiva has made the first recyclable printed circuit board (PCB). Usually this part of discarded electronics is impossible
Microplastics Pollution Means Business
Each week we consume an amount of microplastics the size of a creditcard. ECOFARIO has found an innovative way to effici
Kings of Indigo Produces Clean Jeans
Meet the ‘King of Inspiration’ in sustainable fashion. For years he has been innovating the denim industry in pursuit of his visio
Analysis of the new EU Circular Economy Action Plan (Pantzar, M. and Suljada, T. (2020))
Delivering a circular economy within the planet’s boundaries.
Circle Scan: Rockwool
Opportunities to grow the Circular Economy in the Built Environment
Cities and the Circular Economy for Food
This is your guide to understanding the circular economy and the role of cities in improving our food systems
Potential Barriers for the Long-term Implementation of the Fibersort
This report provides an overview of potential barriers for the implementation of Fibersort technology for collectors and sorters.
The Doughnut Economy
Doughnut Economics is a wake-up call to transform our capitalist worldview obsessed with growth into a more balanced, su
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